Teaching children with disabilities to ride and drive horses for free
Skull Mesa Ranch and Website under construction
Coming Soon
Riding Program: SMR offers students the ability to learn to maneuver the horse with reins and/or foot commands (or any other custom method). Trail riding, bareback riding, trick riding/obstacles, or any other style of riding can be explored.
Driving Program: SMR will offer students the ability to command a miniature horse with long reins from behind riding in a customized cart. A large smooth circular track will allow the students to practice their techniques.
Horse care Program: SMR offers individualized training on caring for a horse. This activity supports a strong work ethic, understanding of horse thinking, and aids in confidence and physical strength.
Horse Training Program: SMR offers students the ability to train a horse. Working with the horse on ground work and basic voice commands. Controlling the horse through ground work and other training methods allows the student to become closer to the horse and reach higher riding goals.